DAC Pharma Adeno Extra Mix


For the treatment of Adeno-Coli syndrome and coccidiosis.
Packaging: jar 100 grams.

SKU: DAC-LD099* Category: Tags: , , ,

For the treatment of Adeno-Coli syndrome and coccidiosis.

The combination of Trimethoprim and Sulfa gives a simultaneous broad spectrum bactericidal effect.
Both antibiotics act in different ways. This combination is active against Adeno-Coli Syndrome and Coccidiosis

For prevention during the racing season: 1 measuring spoon (= 5 gr.) for 40 pigeons (20 kg live weight/2 l drinking water) during 1 or 2 days, every 2 weeks, preferably from the day after the flight.
As a treatment: 1 measuring spoon (= 5 gr.) for 20 kg live weight for 5 – 7 consecutive days.
This course can be repeated after a few days if necessary.

Adeno Extra Mix is ​​a water-soluble powder, can also be given over the food.

The importation, possession, sale, supply and/or use of Adeno Extra Mix may be prohibited in any country.
Any person who intends to sell, supply and/or use Adeno Extra Mix is ​​advised to consult the appropriate authority of the country before doing so.