DAC Pharma Adeno Extra Tablets


Combination tablet for oral individual treatment of Adeno/E-coli Syndrome, Paratyphoid and Coccidiosis in pigeons.

Package: 50 tablets.

Adeno/E-coli syndrome, Paratyphoid and Coccidiosis.
Combination tablet for oral individual treatment of Adeno/E-coli Syndrome, Paratyphoid and Coccidiosis in pigeons.

In bacterial infections, metabolic products (toxins) are excreted. These toxins are responsible for the symptoms of the disease. Although it is often unclear which bacteria is causing the symptoms, urgent treatment is needed.
Paratyphus (Salmonellosis) is an infection caused by the Salmonella bacteria and can manifest itself on different parts of the body. One is the liver: it swells and turns bronze; other parts affected are the elbow and wrist joints on both wings, manifesting in a markedly painful swelling.
Symptoms of gut problems include weight loss and loss of appetite, as well as poor, watery stools.
Coccidiosis is a protozoan infection that occurs in birds of prey.
Infection usually results in a latent/subclinical infection; the bird appears healthy and shows normal vitality.
Chronically infected birds gradually become less fit and show an irregular appetite; their stools may be bloody and they are prone to other infections.

Active Ingredients: Trimethoprim, Sulfa.

The combination of trimethoprim and sulfa provides a good bactericidal effect; both antibiotics act in a different way. This combination is effective against Gram-positive bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus and Streptococcus), Gram-negative bacteria (e.g. E-coli, Salmonella (Paratyphus)) and Coccidiosis.

Preventive treatment: 1 tablet per pigeon, 1 day/2 consecutive days.
Curative treatment: 1 tablet per pigeon, 3-5 consecutive days or as prescribed by an expert.

For the treatment of large numbers of birds, FMT all-round mix, (D067) or Trimethoprim/Sulfa (D083) can be added to the drinking water or feed.

Package: 50 tablets.

The importation, possession, sale, supply and/or use of Adeno Extra tablets may be prohibited in any country. Any person who intends to sell, supply and/or use Adeno Extra Tablets is advised to consult the competent authority of the country before doing so.