DAC Pharma Ronidazole 10%


In stock (can be backordered)

SKU: DAC-LD109 Category: Tag:

Indication: Trichomoniasis (frounce) and Hexamitiasis.
Powder for the treatment of Trichomoniasis (frounce) and Hexamitiasis in larger collections of birds.

Trichomoniasis (frounce) is caused by flagellate protozoa in the beak or in the gastrointestinal tract (Hexamitiasis). One of the ways for birds to contract the disease is through eating trichomonad-infested prey. The birds lose their appetite and may begin to refuse food. Infected animals are more susceptible to other diseases. This flagellate protozoa causes intestinal problems, especially in young birds. Ronidazole 10% has a large margin of safety and is therefore recommended for the treatment of young birds.

Active component:

1 gram/2.5 kg live weight, administered for 5-7 consecutive days or as directed by an expert.

Ronidazole 10% may be added to the feed.
You can also mix the dose with a small amount of water and administer with a crop needle.
We recommend an accurate dosage; use an accurate scale (D2000).
If necessary, it can be administered concomitantly with other DAC medications.

100 gr. pot



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